Features October 5, 2008 By Anthony Smith

bush2 Bush is over

     Whoever gets the keys to La Maison Blanc will find that the place has been a de facto Skull and Bones frat house for the past eight years and they trashed the place before they left. It won’t take long to discover the heaps of dirty laundry, piles of dusty skeletons jammed in the closets, and an economic and military nightmare splattered all over the Oval Office. I’m guessing they’ll also notice a thick scent of beer and barbeque all the way from the kitchen to the Presidential bedroom where Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld carried out their blood sacrifices with decapitated lizards over Laura’s naked torso before settling down to plan the course of history and the next day’s press agenda over another tray of baby back ribs and a few cold Lone Stars. The new occupants will soon discover that the Bush boys have also stripped the house of its most basic utilities. Where there was once a nice set of serviceable policies there are now only gaping holes, loose wires, and dripping pipes: domestic policy, foreign policy, energy policy, economic policy, environmental policy, diplomatic policy, all dismantled and dumped in a toxic landfill somewhere near the Pentagon. Clearly the national crib is going to need some serious scrubbing and fresh paint. A word of profound advice I offer to the next tenants, however, is to forgo the decorators at least until you’ve brought in a good Lakota Medicine Man or a Shipibo Shaman to perform a bit of spiritual home repair and improvement. Take it from me, I’ve been through this before, the place is going to need much more than just a quick makeover… it’s gonna need an exorcism.

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