The other silo is a cultural center with two theatres, a music studio and hair-design facilities. Its top level has a restaurant and roof terrace with 360-degree views. Some people say the facades’ boat-window portals and jutting nubs are off-putting. We say they’re perfect—goofy and sexy in a way that suits such a cool hangout spot in the middle of a recovered wasteland.
How does NL feel about losing? Not too bad. Kamiel Klaasse, one of the firm’s lead designers, told us via email that he’s happy Arons En Gelauff’s family-friendly design won. “My kids are still young so I hope construction will start soon.” But he was less chipper about how Holland conducts their architectural competitions compared to other countries. “[The Germans and Swiss] take it seriously, and have fixed formats,” he said. “Everybody that participates gets a white base model, for instance. In the Netherlands there are numerous competitions, all with very, very different parameters. We seem to have to invent the rules every time.” Oddly enough, NL found out that they didn’t win by reading the news, not from being notified by the city council. “We were not invited to the press conference. And so far, we haven’t received a jury report. That’s Dutch!”