Art, Events May 13, 2009 By Derek Peck
alex2a Alex Asher Daniel

But ultimately it suggests a cycle of femininity and creation — woman, not only as womb but as perpetual fetus, birthing and being birthed, each wrapping around the other. Daniel acknowledges he posed his models in these postures intentionally, but says he doesn’t know exactly why. “There was just something in that shape, in the physical tension of that form that I needed to work through.”
     He seems to be feeling, intuitively, for boundaries. Foremost, as any artist would, he’s feeling for his own. But he’s also exploring those of a more timeless nature. At what point does the simple pleasure of beauty give way to something more darkly complex? Where do they meet, and what is the physical-spiritual intersection when they do? Can they co-exist? These are a few of the questions that come to mind viewing Alex’s work. And certainly there are many others. There are as many questions as there are beauty and beholder.
Private Cosmogony is now showing at Kate Robinson Art at 95 Rivington, through May 29.

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