Art, Greenspace November 5, 2009 By Jenna Martin

newpage2 Midway

     At the core of this bigger issue is the Pacific Garbage Patch — a nearby gyre filled with millions of tons of plastic, estimated to be twice the size of Texas, and the source of Midway’s plastic pollution. Over time, the plastic breaks down into microscopically small pieces that can’t be cleaned up and will never biodegrade. “And those pieces are absorbing all the nasty, industrial chemicals we’ve been putting in the water for 150 years now. [The plastic is] reaching all organisms out there, including the fish that we rely on as [part of] the world’s food supply.” Jordan hopes for the albatross images to “shine a light on these invisible issues that are so easy to avoid.” As with Jordan’s previous works – Intolerable Beauty and In Katrina’s WakeMidway translates these incomprehensible statistics into a visual language. “[The statistics are] too big for us to really feel anything about. And, if we can’t feel something about these issues, then we’re not going to do anything about them.”

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