Art, Greenspace November 5, 2009 By Jenna Martin

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     Just as the albatross tragedy is a result of our collective behaviors, so too, is the solution. “I think the first step towards the radical action that we need, is to allow ourselves to think and speak about radical change and what that’s going to look like, and how we’re going to do it in a way that’s workable, and that’s fun and joyful, instead of being a giant disastrous sacrifice.” And as for recycling? By some estimates less than four percent of all plastic used in the U.S. is actually recycled, and out of that, a significant percentage is shipped to China where it’s burned as fuel in power plants that lack emissions controls. Thanks to Chris Jordan’s photographs, we can now see the direct impact of our over-consumption and, worse, our disregard for the environment. The albatross deaths are just the beginning of what could turn into a catastrophic pandemic – for numerous species, including ourselves. Plastics, and how we dispose of them, made it possible.

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