PLANET was the first magazine to publish photographer Lyle Owerko’s stunning work on the Samburu people of northern Kenya, one of Africa’s last great warrior tribes, in September of 2007. It’s nice to see these images getting the public exhibition they deserve in the large and evocative format currently on view at the Clic Gallery on Broome Street in Soho. Owerko is best known for his shots of the Twin Towers collapsing (the famous Time magazine cover is his) and of the gut-wrenching yet eerily beautiful shots of those who leapt to their deaths from the floors above the raging fires, who became known as the “Jumpers”. Perhaps as witness more than photographer, that was a morning of infamy (and destiny) that Owerko says will live with him forever. Samburu displays Owerko’s genuine interest in different types of people and his talent for getting to know his subjects (he has made several trips to Samburu tribal lands and visited them as recently as this year), cultivating intimacy, and allowing them to show their selves unguarded. The exhibition is up through June 14. It’s definitely worth a visit. Clic Gallery, 424 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013.
To view our archived coverage of Lyle’s work, click here.