Art, Events April 17, 2009 By Valerie Palmer
younger2a Younger Than Jesus
K-Corea INC. K (Section A), 2009 by Ryan Trecartin

     The sheer size of this generation ensures its worldwide influence, but also makes it impossible to label or place in any specific category. Despite the obvious difficulties, organizers Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni and Laura Hoptman have aimed to capture the signs of imminent change, identify stylistic trends among a diverse group of creators, and provide the general public with an in-depth look at how the next generation perceives our world. “Rather than foreswearing their parents, they seem interested in imagining new communities and alternative families,” Gioni explains. “Their tactics range from role-playing to recycling, from identity tourism to technological archeology, from a hysterical form of realism to an intimate, micro-emotional art.” Only time will tell if this is indeed the future of global culture.

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