Architecture, Books May 14, 2009 By Ryan Grim
space5 Spacecraft 2
Bureau des Més Architectures. Didier Fiuza Faustino, Sky is the Limit, Yang Yang, South Korea

For this survey, editors Robert Klanten and Lukas Feireiss chose recently completed projects, many by young, under-the-radar designers. Some of the buildings are made of reused materials: the stage design for a Dutch production of Chekov’s Ivanov is comprised of elevated shipping containers and RVs which are connected by staircases. The primitive but elegant wooden tower at the Tallaght Community Art Centre in Dublin seems like it could have sprouted naturally out of the earth. Or perhaps it was woven by the folks behind Stonehenge. (It’s actually by tree-sapling sculptor Patrick Dougherty.) The most practical piece in the book may be the puffy, pearl-white Tubaloon band shell by Norwegian firm Snøhetta. Its unique membrane blocks outside noise, keeping quiet performances intimate, but allows more amplified sounds to pass through. As a sequel, Spacecraft 2 isn’t like Back to the Future Part II; you don’t have to read 2007’s Spacecraft to appreciate it. Anyone who’s fond of progressive design and stunning architectural photography should clear some space on the coffee table.

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