Fashion October 16, 2009 By Catherine Blair Pfander

northcircular page2 North Circular

     The wool itself is spun and dyed naturally within 120 miles of the happy flock’s snuggly shed at an organic sanctuary in North Yorkshire, where rescued sheep are guaranteed ample grazing for the rest of their lives. Each North Circular garment will include a hand-sewn tag specifying the total number of rescued Wensleydales at the date of purchase, so the wearer can always keep their fuzz-friendly deed in mind when cozying into an oversized scarf. Be sure to check their website for updates. The launch collection includes a chunky knit hood that’s sure to sell out as soon as it becomes available. We know these Wensleydales are very accomplished, but who knows how quickly they’re able to force those fantastic coats to grow?

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