Of course, being a boy scout is mainly about young men learning survival skills in the woods, but it’s no surprise that a fashion designer would find more interest in the rugged, camouflaged uniforms, and Toussaint has chosen deep greens and shades of browns for his collection that reflect this sensibility. In this case, however, camouflage isn’t meant for hiding from an animal or an enemy. Rather it’s meant to merge with the natural surroundings, to join nature and get lost in the forest. The pièce de résistance of this longing to communicate with and join the forest is Toussaint’s asymmetrical grained wood armature, whose functionality is debatable but whose craftsmanship and sheer beauty is undeniable. Part of its brilliance lies in its interchangeability. It can be worn as full armor or in sections, as leggings or a shoulder cuff.