Last Friday, we went to the sweltering, bricked confines of New York’s Mercury Lounge to check out the Antlers perform their recently released album Hospice. And while we cannot emphasize enough how magnetic and magnificent the trio’s headlining set sounded, we’ve already amply pronounced our affections here. On that account, we also wanted to pay our respects to the band playing right before the Antlers: Murder Mystery. The Brooklyn quartet infuses a bit of Americana into their catchy and carefree songs, which call to mind the old indie guard of Luna and Pavement. On tracks like “Lost” (streamed below), Jeremy Coleman’s baritone, the intricate interplay of keyboard and guitar, and the buoyant bass and drums rise and converge in a beguiling tension whose sunny disposition nevertheless serves the spirit of summer romance well in these waning days of the season.
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Murder Mystery – Lost