Fresh from headlining a show at the Guggenheim last week, this experimental outfit from Brooklyn (by way of Baltimore) has just released the first single from their highly anticipated second record, Odd Blood, due out February 2010 on Secretly Canadian. “Ambling Alp” kicks off with strange sounds reminiscent of gurgling water that soon give way to the kind of tribal-electro rhythms that have fast become the trio’s hallmark. That said, with moments that recall the snarling gospel of TV on the Radio and the dreamy delirium of Animal Collective, this new track boasts a more accessible, uplifting shift from the sometimes esoteric athmospherics coloring their 2007 debut All Hour Cymbals. Suffice it to say, we can’t wait to hear the rest.
Download the track at www.yeasayer.net. Also available on the site is a digital bundle featuring remixes by Memory Tapes and DJ /rupture, as well as instrumentals.
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Buy this at Other Music or iTunes.