Photography by Derek Peck.

In the oversaturated sea that is the New York City art scene, Canada on the Lower East Side somehow manages to stand out — way out. Due credit should be given to the gallery’s innate fearlessness and to-hell-with-it attitude but bottom line, Canada has a knack for culling some of the best talent around. To critics’ delight, this summer’s Homunculi brought the alchemical mythologies and freakishly skilled talents of Allison Schulnik, Ruby Neri, Matt Greene, and Matthew Ronay out to play. And just last week the gallery hosted Slummer Nights, a 4-night collaborative spectacular organized by Sadie Laska that took the most magical elements of a variety show, underground music festival, and art opening and threw it all together for one rousing good time. Canada’s resident artists offer more of the same. From Joe Bradley’s rudimentary Superman logos to Devendra Banhart’s imaginative, oscillating creatures and Sarah Braman’s found furniture installations, there’s an underlying sense of innocence, determination, and makeshift playfulness embedded in every artist Canada represents. Not to say that the gallery is all fun and games. There’s plenty of provocative, slightly off-kilter work to go around. Just ask Phil Grauer, one of the four owners/partners behind it all.