Art May 6, 2010 By Jennifer Pappas

filler64  Floria Sigismondiflorianewcover  Floria Sigismondifiller64  Floria Sigismondifloria title  Floria SigismondiFloria Sigismondi is the real deal. Born in Italy and raised in Ontario, Canada, Sigismondi is a 21st century Renaissance woman who has spent her career bridging the gap between film, videos, music, and photography. Her new film, The Runaways, premiered in January at the Sundance Film Festival, garnering immediate buzz and critical accolades from around the globe. Although the multi-disciplinary artist counts music videos for The Dead Weather, David Bowie, Interpol, and Björk as past projects, The Runaways is her first feature film. Deviating from the stark, surrealist dreamscapes she’s known for, Sigismondi captures the feverish rise and descent of the 1970s all-girl teenage rock group (which featured Joan Jett) with style, awe, and sensitivity. Here’s an exclusive peek with the rising director.

What initially drew you to The Runaways and made you want to tell their story through the language of film?

I was intrigued by their age and how young they were in the world of rock and roll, touring with virtually no parental guidance. I focused the story on Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, because they were completely different people coming together for the same goal. They were breaking new ground.

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