Art, Greenspace November 16, 2010 By Jennifer Pappas

9 Waste land The law of obliging states and cities to recycle hasn’t been implemented yet, but it finally passed about four months ago. What the photographs did was sort of fix the image of the catadores as a class of workers, to the effect that they would be the ideal people to lead the workforce in the transition to a country that recycles.

What’s the most poignant or inspirational think you’ve taken away from working on this project?
LW: Oh gosh, everything. I feel like something good happened here. I feel so happy and grateful that we can look at this as an experiment — can art transform people? I didn’t know what the answer was going to be. I was fully prepared to make a film in which Vik failed completely. So when it did happen that Vik succeeded in transforming lives, I thought, hypothesis proven! Conclusion— yes, art can transform lives and yes, art can give people a new way to see themselves. For me, it’s the discovery that it worked.
VM: They reminded me of the power that I have to change somebody’s life. I’ve been doing this for so long, that I cannot help but sometimes doubt it. It’s just a job like any other and I’m doing it because that’s what I do. I had the opportunity to be reminded that the things you do and sometimes doubt are for real. That’s meaningful and very powerful… We’re dealing with some really powerful stuff that can really change people’s lives.

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