Art December 22, 2010 By Lizzi Reid

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Where did you study?
Parsons School of Design in New York and Paris; Rhode Island School of Design; and the Art Center College of Design in California.

What type of equipment do you work with?
For film I use Mamiya RZ, Fuji GW 670 III, Contax 645AF, Toyo 4×5, and Contax T3. For digital I use a Hasselblaad H2 with a Phase 1, P45 digital back, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 7D and a Canon G10.

How did you get the opportunity to shoot your aerial series, and what inspired you about it?
I was initially inspired by my late father, who was a professional pilot. I began this project in 2001 while going back and forth from the Art Center in Los Angeles to my home in New York. I first shot with a Contax point and shoot film camera and a Fuji medium format film camera, never quite getting the results that I wanted. When I began shooting these photographs digitally, the very long range digital zoom on the lens made it a lot easier to get the desired results. The relationship with the landscape became more intimate.

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