Architecture, Art, Events November 15, 2010 By Nalina Moses

Lava Flower by Studiobility/Guorun Lilja Gunnlaugsdottir (Iceland), 2008.  Water-jet-cut volcanic lava. (Click to enlarge)

Lava Flower by Studiobility/Guorun Lilja Gunnlaugsdottir (Iceland), 2008. Water-jet-cut volcanic lava. (Click to enlarge)

The resulting structures, quite simple geometrically, are rich in character and physical presence. At a time when so many designers model ideas with complex software and deliberately shroud their process in mystery and theory, the works on display at “Nordic Models” have an appealing modesty.
    It’s a modesty that’s evident in the exhibit itself, which sets out objects and images on low screens and platforms, rather than trumpeting their importance with spotlights and vitrines. One actually wishes that the show were a bit bigger and louder, that it showed even more of what designers in this corner of the world are up to.

Nordid Models + Common Ground

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