Till writes, “For me, the book is like a thought bubble in which many thoughts, ideas and desires circle around each other like the planets of our universe. They influence each other, but as they differ so much in respect of volume, texture, and maybe size, they will stay in their own orbit.” The subject matter on these pages ranges wide, but the colors and forms reverberate off of each other in their exploration of nighttime, and together evoke what it feels to be awake as the dark lonely hours stretch into morning.
Joscha Bruckert is the editor of Romka, a photography magazine that features the personal photos of professional, student, and amateur photographers from all over the world. Till is working on several other projects and plans to enroll in an MFA program at Ohio University in the fall. A Man Sat Alone In His Room is available in its first edition of fifty copies, numbered and signed. All copies include four free posters, and can be ordered online here.