Art May 4, 2010 By Rachel A Maggart

US as in You Me and Them, 2010

US as in You Me and Them, 2010.

His work can be comforting (e.g. Floating Through It, 2010) and disquieting at times — a shot in the arm to apathetic American youth (e.g. Ambitious New Plans, 2005). Often it is unclear whether one is confronting a cosmic spiritual sideshow or radioactive lightning storm (e.g. Premonitions, 2010, or I Infect You, You Infect Me, 2006). In newer paintings, fluorescent landscapes radiate chemical emulsions while automatons emit lifelike expressions, their internal processors bursting in streams of iridescent confetti (e.g. Out of the Darkness and Into the Light; Speculator, 2010).
     To gain more insight, we caught up in-person with the charming, of-the-moment painter:

Let’s start with your upbringing. You had quite the peripatetic childhood, having moved between Paris, Zurich, Ibiza and, LA, before finally settling in Brooklyn. As a result you’ve described not feeling entirely at home in either your native France or America.

I traveled a lot throughout my childhood, until I was about 20. Living in Europe…living here…so I perpetually had this outsider, tourist perspective on culture — always looking in or observing externally, from the outside.

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