A multifarious exhibition, The Year in Photographs speaks to Danziger’s nonpartisan attitude. “More interested in the individual voice and work,” he expresses little concern at locating recurrent themes. In fact despite the show’s photojournalistic title, works seldom depict, and sometimes were not taken during, 2009. Instead, they reflect a collective vision of global media sharing — a gift to the artist community. In Danziger’s view: “It wasn’t easy to get someone to see your work prior to the Internet, which has contributed to all of the photographers’ inclusion in the show.”
Demonstrating “the web’s unrivalled capacity as a transmitter of photographic images,” The Year in Pictures showcases diverse, at times dissenting, voices. Jowhara Al Saud, for example, uses the Internet as a means to publicize taboo personal expression. Blotting out her subjects’ faces and thus symbolically removing bans imposed by censorial governments, she speaks for victims of oppressed societies.