Books June 23, 2010 By Nalina Moses

Sunset Stadium, Lusaka, Zambia, 2007

Sunset Stadium, Lusaka, Zambia, 2007

filler107 African Arenas : For the Love of the Game     Throughout Africa soccer is generally considered a black sport while rugby and cricket are considered white sports. Because of economic disparities soccer facilities have remained relatively underdeveloped. Yet the sport captures the imagination in Africa in a way the others don’t. Nelson Mandela has said that during apartheid in South Africa, “Football was one of our few joyful releases”. Many players raised in Africa, practicing barefoot on rutted pitches, have become stars in European leagues. Hoeffgen’s photos capture that passion. Soccer matches unfold in city parks, in abandoned lots, at the outskirts of a village, and beneath a highway overpass. With or without an arena, the game goes on.

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