Sometimes I am attracted by it and sometimes I am repelled by it. Sometimes I have to resist not believing, and sometimes I completely lose my faith and I rage. But I have to say, I refuse to believe that our environment is a consequence of fusing cells and that we come from monkeys. I resist saying that everything is a coincidence. I believe that less than I believe in the existence of God.
No matter how heavy your films get, there is always redemption in them. Why?
I think life has a huge light. In Mexico, to take a country in crisis, it’s true that there is a lot of shit happening now in the worst way possible. But, ninety nine percent of things that happen on earth are beautiful. So, today there is a beautiful morning in Chiapas, there is a father somewhere taking his kids to school, and so on. In all this mess, life and universe and nature create beauty. You go to the forest and you see how incongruent everything is, how chaotic it is, but there is order in that chaos. So, I truly believe there is beauty to be found amidst all this horror.