Events, Features August 20, 2010 By Jenna Martin

How do you feel about SNL’s latest incarnation of digital shorts?
They’re very interesting. They’re the complete antithesis of the kind of stuff I did. But I think it’s a natural evolution of the stuff I did, because first of all, they’re done on video, which is a whole different texture and feel. I tried to do mine on film and tried to make it look older on purpose, like grainy old movies, but they have a very contemporary, sharp look or else like a home camcorder kind of look. And those are reference points that I’m not sure I grew up with, but I think they’re funny, and they also serve a purpose.

Nothing Lasts Forever is considered by many to be a classic, ahead of its time. Where did you come up with the concept for the film?
Well, when you work on these comedy TV shows, you keep idea books all the time and everything you see in your life, you write down ideas. So I had been starting to make notes for this for a long time, but it was just sort of an amalgam of all the neat films I’d ever seen growing up – like American films in the ’40s and ’50s and stuff, and also, I don’t know, it’s just a mishmash of everything that I ever wanted to put into a movie. I did not adhere to any sort of method or read those books about how to write a movie in twenty weeks or something. It has no character arc. I just decided in the same way that Grandma Moses painted her pictures without studying art, to just try and throw down a movie all at once.

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