Events, Music July 6, 2010 By Areti Sakellaris

LAMC Latin Alternative Music Conference: July 6 10 lamc title Latin Alternative Music Conference: July 6 10

Mayor Bloomberg proclaimed this week “Latin Alternative Week” and there’s a lot to be excited about. For eleven years and counting, artists, journalists, industry personnel, and fans have convened throughout New York City for a peek at what’s next from international stars and newcomers alike during the Latin Alternative Music Conference (LAMC). Expect performances from hip hop and rap artists like Ana Tijoux and Los Rakas (stream below); electronic artists like Nortec Collective Presents Bostich+Fussible, The Pinker Tones (stream below), El Guincho, and Toy Selectah; and rock veterans Maldita Vecindad — at venues such as Central Park Summerstage and the Bowery Ballroom. Santa Monica’s adored KCRW radio station, a media sponsor, and DJ Raul Campos will be broadcasting live sessions. Panel discussions will address topics ranging from the future of digital music to touring to the role of labels today.

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