Thrill Jockey Records

Mi Ami might break your heart. Two of its three members, singer/guitarist Daniel Martin-McCormick and bassist Jacob Long, used to be in Black Eyes — the amazing post-punk band that split just as they were breaking through. The two bands sound similar enough for fans of Black Eyes to imagine what could have been: aggressively polyrhythmic, riotously cacophonous. But Mi Ami is not Black Eyes-lite. Where Black Eyes were a tornado, pulling in and destroying as many divergent genres as they could, Mi Ami look inward. On Steal Your Face, the San Francisco band’s second full-length after a handful of EPs and remixes, Martin-McCormick, Long, and seemingly inexhaustible drummer Damon Palermo have come into their own by devoting an entire record to the exploration of the tensile strength of dub and world music.
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