![filler filler72 Sleigh Bells: Treats](http://www.planet-mag.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/filler72.jpg)
![N.E.E.T. / Mom & Pop](http://www.planet-mag.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/240_Sleigh-Bells-Treats.jpg)
N.E.E.T. / Mom & Pop
![sleighbells_title sleighbells title Sleigh Bells: Treats](http://www.planet-mag.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sleighbells_title.jpg)
Internet buzz can destroy a band just as easily as it can build one up. People begin to form ideas and expectations before they have the chance to properly absorb the music, and overexposure is a constant risk. Sleigh Bells, the duo of songwriter/guitarist Derek E. Miller and singer Alexis Krauss, embody this perfectly. At first I just didn’t understand them, or their seemingly universal appeal. Many of Sleigh Bells’ songs are simple, sometimes to the point of being dumb. I was confused, and wondered how this silly music could be so beloved. And now, listening to Sleigh Bells’ debut — released after a handful of demos and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of blogger buzz — I’m just starting to get a handle on what they’re all about.
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