Gold Dust

In February, Definitive Jux effectively closed its doors from making any more music, and El-P — the progressive hip-hop label’s founder, boss hog, and chief curator — stepped down from his post as the NYC label’s artistic director, effectively ending an era in indie rap that owes more than its fair share to El-P’s hard-hitting style. As we all could have predicted though, you can take El out of the Jux but you can’t take the Jux out of El. With Weareallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3, he’s created an industrial shakedown of laser shots (“Take You Out at the Ballgame”), howls (“Drunk with a Loaded Pistol”), and fresh-to-death remixes (Kidz in the Hall’s “Driving Down the Block” and Young Jeezy’s “I Got This”). Void of any vocals, the album stands as El-P’s answer to J Dilla’s modern classic, Donuts. The instrumental medley thrives on succinct transitions through “Whores: The Movie”, “Meanstreak (In 3 Parts)”, and “DMSC”, before launching into “Time Won’t Tell”, a slow-building but pristine, driving beat that evokes one-time label-mate RJD2’s The Horror. Best is saved for last, however, with the Mothership Connection of “Contagious Snippet” and the hard-hitting 1980s drum-hype behind “Eat My Garbage 2”. On Weareallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3, El-P reminds us all where he came from — what comes next remains anybody’s guess.
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Buy this at iTunes. After the jump, check out an interview El-P did with Ford Models.