True Panther

After releasing a slew of one-off tracks (including the amazing “New Flowers” and “Bejan”) and remixes for the likes of Au Revoir Simone and Telepathe in the past year, Jesse Cohen and Eric Emm have finally put out their first EP. Standouts such as “Real Life” and “Policy Of Trust” bring more than just a nominal nod to Depeche Mode, as the Brooklyn duo pairs simple electro hooks with the jubilant global appropriations heard in the recent work of Animal Collective, Vampire Weekend, and Yeasayer. But that’s not to say Tanlines is riding piggyback on the latest trends of indie rock. Throughout Settings, tropical rhythms and synths swell with layers of finger snaps, airy vocals, and intricate guitar riffs reminiscent of Emm’s stint in Don Caballero to build a wall of sound that is wholly at home yet entirely unique to the realms of pop, dance, and world music.
Tanlines will be playing at Le Poisson Rouge with Micachu and the Shapes on March 30.
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Buy this at Other Music or iTunes.