Jonas holding up a postcard series of the derelict building he bought from the city of New York over 40 years ago and transformed into the Anthology Film Archives. Photography by Derek Peck
While watching As I Was Moving I realised that what Mekas is the real collector of is not photos and magazines and old super-8 film reels; what Mekas is the collector of – an obsessive, and ultimately deeply loving collector of – are the impermanent, fleeting moments of life. He wants to capture them all, as many as he can hold up his camera to. Yet, although there is a distinctly personal and poetic ambience to his film, as you watch it, it slowly becomes yours. Gradually you lose the sense that you are even watching a film, let alone scenes from a person’s life. Instead there is a gauzy hypnotic feeling that begins to overtake you. It’s like watching a dream, a half-life of universes, of what has happened and what is only imagination. Dream after dream after dream of this. And eventually, after a little more time watching, they are maybe not even his dreams anymore, but possibly yours. This is the gift of Jonas Mekas, artist and collector.
Derek Peck is a New York-based writer, photographer, and the editor and creative director of PLANET Magazine