Can you remember the first time you were exposed to cabaret and what impact it had on you? I think I first knew what cabaret was by seeing nightclub scenes in Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies, most likely Follow the Fleet which I saw on my grandparents’ black and white television one Sunday after church when I was very young. I was blown away by the glamour, energy and whimsy of the entire spectacle. As a small-town trans-child it seemed to me to be the epitome of sophistication. I thought, “This is what I want to do!”
Can you tell us about any future projects you’re working on?
My first novella-length memoir, Tango, My Childhood Backwards and in High Heels is going to be published by The Feminist Press in September and my fragrance Galli, a transcent, will be introduced by the french perfume house Etat Libre D’Orange this Fall.