Art, Fashion, Greenspace January 27, 2011 By Jordan Sayle

I’m sure it’s been interesting to read comments online. People have a wide range of opinions on the Internet, to put it lightly.
I like a little controversy, or not necessarily controversy but doing something that elicits people to spend the time to make a comment online, because it made them think to some extent about what we were doing.

There’s also controversy in the fashion industry, where models and food don’t always go together.
Yeah, that is definitely part of the idea of what types of things we do consume. For example, intentionally the model wearing the meat skirt and the potato skirt we cast to be extra skinny, like maybe she could use that meal.

Advertising has its own currency of images and messages. How do you think your background in the world of ad campaigns influences your approach to photography?
A lot of my work is project-based and conceptual, and I think that’s partially due to my advertising background, where you try to have an idea and see how far you can blow it out and how big of an idea you can make it. I am all for a single beautiful image, but for whatever reason I’m drawn to ideas that play out over a series. In the “Hunger Pains” work I’m very proud of some of the pictures as single images, but when you see the work as a whole, that’s where you start to get more out of it as a viewer.

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