Art, Events July 26, 2011 By Thomas Beale

ic 5 INNER COURSEfiller29 INNER COURSE After a period of time, the radium bulbs would dim, and then brighten. Visitors were then led into The Audition Room.

Here, in a spare room seated behind a glass desk, in costumes simultaneously sexy, absurd, and abject, Tora and Rya greeted visitors. The questionnaire was reviewed, and conversation initiated. Audience members were asked if they knew why they were there. They were informed that they had arrived to audition for a role in their life.

From there, the experience could go anywhere. And with bravery, sensitivity, and love for whoever had walked in the room, Rya and Tora took their accomplices there.

With three days left in the exhibition, more than 200 people have participated in this experience. Couples have engaged in role reversals, there have been magic pony rides to Provence, alien abductions, beheadings, speaking in tongues. A 35-year-old man experienced his first kiss. A woman who wandered in from the street re-enacted the moment her boyfriend confessed sleeping with two prostitutes while they were on vacation together, and forgave him — something she could not do at the time. Friends have watered each other like plants, pouring onto each other the blessings the other felt like they needed in their life. Without preparation, people have opened up and explored intimate aspects of themselves with two complete strangers. More than ninety percent of visitors have booked return appointments. Friends have sent friends, telling them nothing of what they would experience. Some have returned as many as five times.

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