Cover of Donny 5 - Angkor, Ta Phrom temple by Susan Rüsseler

With an ever-expanding portion of the global population migrating to cities, it is urban environments that represent the known world for so many. But the realm of experience that someone comes to have in an urban space can actually share a fair amount with what others encounter in places far removed from the busy centers of human development.
That’s the idea behind an exciting new journal on the personal experience of nature among urban dwellers. Developed in 2008 by three Rotterdam-based Dutch editors, Club Donny is published biannually as a global survey of the ways in which city life intersects with the natural forces that often prove to be even more powerful than the engineering marvels of steel and concrete dominating most visions of the modern metropolis.
“We offer a platform that aims to bring into the limelight observations, coincidences, stories and encounters of the obvious and sometimes absurd existence of nature in cities,” co-founder Ernst Van der Hoeven tells PLANET.