film February 22, 2011 By Jordan Sayle

Courtesy: Thomas Lennon Films (Click for Slideshow)

Courtesy: Thomas Lennon Films (Click for Slideshow)

The other nominated documentary short asks us to question our assumptions about the rise of industry in China. Lest we assume that all Chinese welcome the construction of factories across their country, The Warriors of Qiugang introduces a group of villagers, living in a heavily industrialized part of Anhui Province, who aren’t happy with the recent addition of smokestacks to the local skyline.
Farmer Zhang Gongli laments the detrimental effects that the village’s chemical plant is having on his crops, and it turns out that he isn’t the only one hoping for a change. A petition to protest the pollution caused by the plant receives more than 1,800 signatures. Zhang’s quest to see the enforcement of China’s environmental regulations carried out offers a fascinating look into the burgeoning efforts within the developing nation to push back against the harmful effects of industrial growth.
Like all good documentaries, this group of Oscar contenders proves that the true reward in filmmaking can be in raising awareness. Come Sunday, one of these movies may have a gold statue to go along with that forgone prize.

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