film September 14, 2011 By Marina Zogbi
Pamela Yates 1982 by Newton Thomas Sigel

Pamela Yates 1982 by Newton Thomas Sigel

I work with two close collaborators, Peter Kinoy and Paco de Onís. Peter and I co-founded Skylight Pictures together; he was the editor and producer on When the Mountains Tremble, and he’s the editor on Granito. Paco is the producer. The three of us come up with the ideas for films, we write and envision the films. Then we take individual credits for directing, producing, etc.

Obviously you’d like Granito to be part of the justice process, but what do you want the general audience to take from it?
I think that Granito is a feel-good human rights film; I want people to leave the theater being very excited about it. I want law students to leave the theater thinking that they can make progress, even though it can take a long time, and I want aspiring filmmakers to know that it’s very important to document, that what you do now may have repercussions in the future that you can’t possibly predict. But ultimately I want everyone to feel that change only comes through lifelong commitment, and it takes many people and many forces together to make that change, but you shouldn’t stop trying just because it doesn’t come quickly or in the way that you think. I want the perpetrators to be afraid, be very afraid, after they see Granito. I want Ríos Montt to be looking over his shoulder.

There is a digital project in conjunction with Granito.
A sister digital project, called Granito: Every Memory Matters. Every film we do at Skylight Pictures has a digital interactive project. Granito has an

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