Music February 8, 2011 By Areti Sakellaris

stephen title Stephan Said: Aheb Aisht Al Huriya

With our eyes turned toward Egypt, Stephan Said implores us to lend our ears as well. The Arab-American artist, who boasts acclaim for his anti-war songs, teed up a rock-infused version of the Egyptian civil rights anthem “Aheb Aisht Al Huriya” (“I Love the Life of Freedom”). Originally penned in the 1930s by Mohamed Abdel Wahab, the historic song fits the decades-old situation coming to a head in Egypt. In the simple accompanying video, Said holds a notebook with the English translation of the earnest lyrics for the camera. The activist introduces the song as a beacon for non-violent advocates “to build the international movement for a more just society.” Intended for release on the forthcoming album, difrent (out in September), Said unveiled the song early for maximum potency.
filler29 Stephan Said: Aheb Aisht Al Huriya

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