© Candy Kennedy
How were you able to gain access to these gang members?
While I was living in Dubai, I met Lionel Turner, a native from the Cape Flats who’s about seven feet tall. He used to be a cage fighter. Although he was never a part of any of the gangs, Lionel had amicable relationships with many of the gang members since his uncle was a general in the 28s, who is currently serving two life sentences in prison for chopping his friend’s head off and stashing it in the boot of his car. Lionel and I had a meeting in Dubai and then connected with the charity organization MyLife, who told us we were crazy to take all our equipment into the Cape Flats because there was a good chance we would be robbed or killed for it. They implored us to shoot in a studio, which I considered seriously, and for obvious reasons but shooting in a studio would have never been as interesting nor as honest or powerful. So the decision was made.