Art February 20, 2012 By Aiya Ono


Image by Jordan Sullivan

Ghost Country is a haunting and romantic collection of images, collages and prose by Jordan Sullivan and jewelry designer Pamela Love. The book is a Memento Mori, containing 55 images with phrases such as, “Paradise is a deadman’s town”, painstakingly tracing a past that is lost and a future no where to be found. The book was born organically during a trip to New Mexico where Love was researching silver mines. Sullivan tells PLANET the two found similarity in Love’s jewelry and Sullivan’s work which naturally led them to create Ghost Country. He reflects on the process of editing and says, “It was as if seeing the past and the future at once. I realized so much of them had to do with love and death and this sort of broken portrait of America started coming together.”
     Surprisingly, Sullivan was originally a painter and the only photographs he had been exposed to as a child consisted of photographs from National Geographic and “a few pornographic shots stolen by a friend”. Now an artist in his own right, Sullivan’s solo show combining sculpture, collage and photography titled, A Room Forever will open at UTRECT/NOW IDeA gallery in Tokyo this April. Also a curator, his first group show titled, The Wild & The Innocent, will be on view next month at Clic Gallery in NYC featuring Agnes Thor, Todd Jordan, and Brea Souders among others.
