How do you approach a potential subject?
Long before I approach a subject I have to have recognized a certain quality in them. A glance from their eyes giving away some form of emotion, perhaps – it’s hard to explain. Having seen this, I approach in much the same way anybody would. I introduce myself and generally strike up a conversation. As the relationship develops we may get to taking some images…but sometimes that never happens at all.
Often the portraits are very tightly framed headshots, almost like Christian icon paintings. How did you find your aesthetic?
My final image is influenced by many things. Movies, other photographs, music even. I think the biggest influence on the religious element of my work has been when I have been in Rome. For me the city is deeply enchanting on this level. As I walk through the streets I feel faith. In the eyes of the people, the smells, the sounds of the church bells. Probably my favorite place in the whole world.