You’ve traveled internationally to find sitters. Do you find the obstacles and personalities of the homeless population differ from one country to the next?
Not really. We are all human, and if treated with respect we are more likely than not to respond with the same respect. I’ve not witnessed homelessness on the sheer scale than that of Skid Row in Los Angeles. Hundreds of people literally line a small area of the CBD there. It’s humbling to see so many.
The candor in the portraits is remarkable – do you direct your subjects at all?
My subjects are aware of the camera. They have to be. I don’t direct for emotion, it’s simply there.
Do you have a long-term goal for this project?
To continue to document the faces of homelessness. Tell their story and raise awareness. If I can make people stop and think and maybe help the next homeless person they see, then I’ve done my job.