Courtesy of: The Artist & Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art
Is there a subculture of nomads of which we’re unaware?
It’s so hard to say with the Internet these days because we’re aware of everything. When I first went on the road I must have had a cell phone, but it didn’t do anything. The Internet killed the road. Kerouac’s On the Road doesn’t exist anymore. You’re out there and you’ve got GPS and Instagram and Facebook. You’re never alone out there or completely in that space. So at the time, I think I just wanted to see everything.
Would you say that you had maybe an abstract sense of progressing toward something?
Early on, definitely. I thought, I’m just going to be an artist, and whatever came or went from that was just part of it. When I left Belgrade I flew to New York and my buddy in Bushwick invited me to sleep on his couch, and then I moved into his closet, and then got a job two weeks later driving trucks for commercials. And I was just here.