Books, Greenspace February 15, 2012 By Jordan Sayle

Organic Wheat Field/

Organic Wheat Field/

     In the closing lines of his speech, the Prince of Wales makes that very point. What he terms the new food movement would not only improve the health of our food supply. He contends that it also holds the answers to matters of public health, rural employment, education, and what’s more, the quality of life.
     It sure sounds great, and farmers everywhere would probably do well to adopt the manifesto as their own. But in the end, this new food movement may only go so far. In the longer term, maybe once the prince has helped bring about a new world of sustainable organic locally-grown foods, he can tackle the case of that other food crisis, the one unique to the British Isle, because free range jellied eels simply won’t cut it. If this discussion is about the future of food, let’s mercifully agree to leave certain menu items in the past.

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