Director Jessica Yu/ATO Pictures
That’s the real take-away, I guess. We’re in this together. One positive example you give takes place among sworn enemies in the Holy Land who are able to look after their common interest in having clean, abundant water. We’re interdependent, aren’t we?
Yeah, in the Middle East you have very concentrated water problems with everyone on top of each other. But when the essential and precious nature of the resource to survival is so bluntly laid out, then compromise is inevitable. In contrast, in the United States, we are so insulated from feeling that our water is under any threat whatsoever. Turn on the tap and as much water as you want comes out. So as long as we’re insulated that way, the need to make changes, the need to adjust or think differently is not urgent enough in a lot of people’s minds.
“Last Call at the Oasis” enters theaters on May 4.