Greenspace October 7, 2012 By Jordan Sayle

<em>Dirty Water</em> by Casanova Pendrill/Elias Weinstock, Alejandro Ortiz, Gil Arevalo, Damasco Crespo for UNICEF USA, from Cause and Effect, copyright Gestalten 2012

Dirty Water by Casanova Pendrill/Elias Weinstock, Alejandro Ortiz, Gil Arevalo, Damasco Crespo for UNICEF USA, from Cause and Effect, copyright Gestalten 2012

There’s evidently work to be done in refocusing people after a period in which financial challenges have understandably distracted from the sustainability movement that earlier seemed to be gaining traction. And while eco-consciousness is often thought to be stronger outside the United States, a 2011 European Commission survey showed the difficulty in actually changing people’s behavior on the other side of the Atlantic. While the vast majority of respondents to the EU survey said they viewed climate change as a serious problem, far fewer reported personally taking steps to stop it. The evidence suggests that here and abroad, members of the environmental movement have to be looking for something more that compels people to affect change.

It’s with the goal in mind of promoting this global refocusing effort that the German publisher Gestalten has introduced an attractive new book of design and messaging ideas aimed at better communicating the importance of building a greener future. Cause and Effect is full of images showing creative and often inspirational ad campaigns, museum installations, consumer products, community efforts, and pieces of art from around the world, all meant to use visuals that recapture the promise of the boom in sustainability that seemed so attainable before the economy went bust. Accompanying essays highlight the impact that these visual representations can have.

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