Music February 7, 2012 By Adam Sherrett


Photo by Jim Wright

filler29 Cavemandifference between this band and the ones we were all in previously is the degree of looseness to the approach. That’s not to say these tunes don’t have parts and arrangements like any other song would, it’s just that the vibe we inhabit to create them is more spacious, I guess. And that definitely maps out to when we play live, probably to an even greater degree.

Would you say this spaciousness of sound is a part of a new and bigger music scene happening in Brooklyn right now? How has that scene helped/hindered Caveman?
The notion of a scene is always a tricky one. It’s something that seems more easily defined in retrospect. I definitely think we are in the midst of a community of artists we really respect, across disciplines — musicians, designers, craftsmen. Our guitar player [Jimmy] builds our guitars, for that matter, and his shop is always a hub of activity. I think the ideal setup is to be in a stew with a bunch of people who inspire one another.

Before we go any further, let’s get to the bottom of the title Coco Beware. Where did the name come from? It seems like it’s almost implying a “dangerous” element to your music…
Well, that’s cool. Danger is exciting. I’ve realized in the last couple of years that there is definitely something spooky lurking in a lot of the music that I like. Mystery and darkness are elements that I find pretty inviting.

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