Books October 17, 2014 By Sarah Coleman

Paolo Pellegrin

Paolo Pellegrin

We see, also, some images that are only tangentially war-related but enormously powerful, like Franco Pagetti’s portrait of a wounded protester in Tahrir Square, and Marcus Bleasdale’s heartbreaking image of a child gold miner in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In a supreme irony, many of these images are also breathtakingly beautiful, and this is perhaps another form of love—the photographers’ love for their craft, their wish to create something balanced and meaningful out of chaos. The elder statesman in this regard is Larry Burrows, represented here by some startlingly beautiful images from the Vietnam War. Burrows’ careful compositions, and his use of saturated color, make these images unforgettable. One, a portrait of an American soldier receiving a communion wafer during a lull in fighting, has all the lushness and gravitas of a religious painting.

Of course, soldiers aren’t the only ones willing to die for a comrade or a cause. Burrows died in 1971, when his helicopter was shot down over Laos; Hetherington was killed by a mortar attack in Libya in 2011. One of the most recent and dramatic casualties is American journalist James Foley, abducted in 2012 by the Islamic State of Iraq, whose beheading in August 2014 caused international outrage. Spurred by this, the opening reception of the show on October 18th is intended to raise awareness and funds to benefit the Tim Hetherington Trust and James W. Foley Legacy Fund.

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