Photo by Kate Edwards

If you needed a melodic soundtrack for hiding under the covers and grinning at the ghosts under the bed, New York’s Caveman would be the perfect candidate. To be quite honest, it’s impossible to listen to their recently released debut album, Coco Beware, without conjuring images of campfire harmonies and tribal drums leading a victory march for the musical macabre. It’s a sound born out of timing, break-up and five guys that simply inspire each other. After parting ways with their old bands, Caveman’s Matt Iwanusa, Jimmy “Cobra” Carbonetti, Stefan Marolachakis, Jeff Berrall and Sam Hopkins have joined together to create a record that glistens with pop nostalgia, hypnotic harmonies, and captivating enchantment. PLANET spoke with drummer Stefan Marolachakis to find out more about their inspirations, experimentation, and what happens when the lights go down and the music turns up.

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