XL Recordings

I can’t talk about who the Horrors are today without talking about who the Horrors used to be. When they made their debut in 2007 I took one look at them and thought they were a band of Peter Murphy’s disaffected nephews. They weren’t bad, but their freak-beat punk was easily over-shadowed by their vampire style. It was shocking then, in 2009, when they released Primary Colours, a psychedelic departure that drew from bands like the Velvet Underground and Spacemen 3. Skying sees the band continuing to mutate, but also establishes them as British pop preservationists.
Skying is a sunny record. It lifts the band, as the title might suggest, into the upper atmospheres of pop. The album’s first song, “Changing The Rain”, starts with a cavernous electronic beat that wouldn’t feel out of place on a Fever Ray song, but soon blossoms into synth-pop heaven.
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