Cherrytree Records

Since her explosion onto the American pop charts in 1997 with “Show Me Love”, when she was 18 years old, Robyn has graduated from the school of hard-knocks. Her 2005 comeback album,
Robyn, featured songs filled with strife and swelling egoism — the songbook of a girl who’s not going to take it anymore. Her new album,
Body Talk Pt. 1 (of what she promises will be a three-part series) is no different. Though these tracks are composed of pulsing, straight-forward dance beats, the lyrics reflect an endless string of heartbreak, boredom, and violent confidence. In the video for “Dancing on My Own”, Robyn proudly presents her biceps like a champion fighter before the ring. While she admits, in the opening track, that her drinking, smoking, PMS, mother, and shoes are killing her, she also posits, “Don’t fucking tell me what to do”. Then, as if the posturing had become exhaustive, she finishes the album with a ballad, “Hang With Me” (whatever you do, “don’t fall recklessly, headlessly in love” with her), and a sweet traditional Swedish folksong, “Jag Vet En Dejlig Rosa”, that shows off her vocal prowess.
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After the jump, check out the video for “Dancing on My Own”. Buy this at iTunes.