Now that sustainability is finally recognized as more than just a white yuppie thing or a silly dork trend, the Oakland-based Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, founded by the ever-visionary Van Jones, has launched a new campaign called “Green for All”. It aims high — a national movement designed to secure $1 billion in federal funding for “green collar” job training by 2012 — and it’s already making waves. The House of Representatives passed the Green Jobs Act of 2007 to help the ecological revolution reach neglected inner cities, and the city of Oakland set aside $250,000 to create a Green Job Corps. It’s about time: viable green jobs, from manufacturing biofuel and installing solar panels to weatherizing homes and maintaining wind farms, represent a new sector in the economy, and there’s plenty of chronically unemployed folks — laid-off workers from outsourced industries, urban youth, returning veterans, rehabilitated ex-cons — able to provide the human power to make “green” go.